Quality Management
Our teaching gets you talking
Quality Management
iQ: inlingua Quality
Quality is the basis of the inlingua network. Keeping a high level of quality is in the interest of all.
inlingua Center
In order to ensure a globally uniform quality standard, inlingua centers are subject to a unique control system, which refers to all services, and of course the training. The networked structure of the inlingua Center ensures worldwide benchmarking. inlingua international annually reviews and renews the quality certificate of the inlingua centers.
inlingua Trainer
In order for the inlingua trainers to perfectly fulfill the task as a mediator of their native language, they receive a well-founded language training and ongoing trainings. The Director of Studies and the heads of inlingua centers also provide supervision and technical support.
inlingua Customers
All participants receive regular feedback. The daily review of the educational charts ensures that every training has the right pace.
Progress surveys document the participants’ impressions of the training process. Potential criticisms or suggestions are implemented directly in the current training.
Final surveys, review tests and result analyzes document the progress and the achieved training goals.